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Oct. 11, 2017, 12:18 p.m.
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LINK:  ➚   |   Posted by: Shan Wang   |   October 11, 2017

We missed you at ONA this year to talk shop about local news, fears around monetization, Facebook and other platforms, fact-checking, mobile design, social media best practices, women in media, and more. But not to worry, nearly every session was recorded and audio posted (see this list of resources ONA has helpfully compiled on its own site), and many attendees are writing roundups and useful post-mortems.

Recaps, roundups:

— Nausicaa Renner of the Tow Center has a critical roundup for CJR here.
— Luis Gomez at the San Diego Union-Tribune has roundups of some sessions across all three days of ONA, including of the keynotes from the opening panel on trust and the media and from Ev Williams of Medium. (Williams was earnest but didn’t say anything particularly new about Medium’s third pivot. But this week it officially opened up its partner program allowing anyone to tuck their writing behind a paywall.)
— Jason Alcorn takes a look at how the question of finding better metrics loomed large in sessions ranging from how to build a newsletter to how to make a not terrible Facebook Live video.
Fiza Pirani from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has a Twitter moment of takeaways and tips here.
— Jake Grovum of the Financial Times ran a overflowing table talk on crafting good social headlines. He wrote up eight guiding principles that came out of the discussions here.
— Kristen Hare over at Poynter has a writeup of a session, with Sara Baranowski of the Iowa Falls Times Citizen sharing tips for local newsrooms with fewer resources that are looking to replicate impressive projects from bigger national newsrooms on a smaller scale. One way to approach it, according to Baranowski: “First, I consume it as a member of the audience, then I go back to it as a researcher. Are there clues about how it was made? Is there special software required? New tools? Or can I find a way to do it with the things at my disposal?”
— Coverage from the ONA student newsroom
— Fun ONA bingo breakdown from Justin Meyers.
— Or, if you’re someone who prefers consuming things visually, Ayumi Fukuda Bennett has a few sketch-note roundups.


— Amy Webb’s two reports — one on tech trends in journalism and media and another around the findings from a global survey on journalism’s “future” — are both now available to the public.
— ICFJ’s global report on technology in newsrooms around the world, conducted in 12 languages across 130 countries. Spoiler alert: The pivot to a digital-first mindset has been…slow.

Other resources and announcements:

— Women take note. The 2018 Women’s Leadership Accelerator opens for applications this winter: “In addition to learning leadership skills and tools for navigating change, participants will focus on a challenge specific to their careers, whether an obstacle to overcome or an aspirational goal to achieve, either within their organizations or as an independent project.”
— Challenge Fund winners here.
— The Online Journalism Awards winners, with a lot familiar projects (Electionland) and organizations (The New York Times, the Globe and Mail).

Did we miss your roundup? Let us know and we’ll add it to the list!

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