Halloween is over so you know it’s time for sleigh bells — and Santa’s bringing matched funding for your favorite nonprofit newsroom.
NewsMatch, an initiative from the Institute for Nonprofit News and the News Revenue Hub, officially opened for donations this week for its third year. More than 150 nonprofit journalism organizations that have signed up ahead of time can encourage their supporters to donate to their cause and receive a double-donation of up to $25,000 from a $3 million pool from major journalism benefactors. (Considering the New York Times is now on track to earn more than $600 million in digital this year, maybe you could chip in a little something for a local newsroom.)
I am in between meetings and just donated to three great nonprofit news publishers in and around my state- @eastlansinginfo @BridgeMichigan @WisWatch via #NewsMatch. It took me TWO MINUTES AND THIRTY-TWO SECONDS. https://t.co/UPXL21PgZn
— Jesse Holcomb (@JesseHolcomb) November 1, 2018
This grassroots fundraising campaign is funded by $3 million from a group of mostly journalism-friendly foundations, including (new this year) $1 million from Facebook. The Knight Foundation started NewsMatch in 2016 with a total of $1.2 million in donations, and more funders came onboard in 2017 to help raise more than $4.8 million. (Disclosure: Nieman Lab has received funding from Knight in the past, and the Nieman Foundation has participated in NewsMatch before.)
43,000 people donated to a nonprofit newsroom for the first time in the fourth quarter of 2017 — and this year, as nonprofit news now pulls in almost $350 million in total annual revenue, NewsMatch aims to break more records. Nonprofit newsrooms reported individual giving as just a third of all revenue streams for 2018, according to the Institute for Nonprofit News.See all the participating newsrooms and donate via NewsMatch here.
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