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Articles by Jeff Israely

Jeff Israely is a former Time magazine correspondent, first in Rome and later in Paris. He has launched a global news startup, Worldcrunch, and occasionally writes about the startup process for the Lab.
If we stay on the current trajectory, it’s utterly plausible that AI language tools will begin to blend into our daily workflows, similar to how Google and Google Translate have.
It is only the latest, though perhaps most complicated, chapter of the marriage of convenience between advertising and news.
Is there really no sustainable form for digital news other than B2B vertical media?
“How many photographs have crossed your screen today? Dozens? Hundreds? How many have you looked at? How many did you really see?”
“Ours is a system that neither Adam Smith nor Karl Marx — not even Travis Kalanick — can figure out for us.”
Temos um sistema que nem Adam Smith, nem Karl Marx – nem sequer Travis Kalanick – podem compreender por nós.
“The future is already here, and we have to hustle every day to survive. And succeed.”
“One thing we tend to forget in this pile-on pursuit of eternal youth is that our target demographic of the moment is bound to grow older.”
Our startup correspondent, building Worldcrunch in Paris, on the thinking behind its operation’s pivot: “The smart brands know they’ll lose your attention if they use this new publishing power simply to push their merchandise.”
Our startup correspondent, building Worldcrunch in Paris, says it comes down to content strategy: “One fundamental question for the news industry is: What content — both old and new — should it fight to own, and what should it just let go?”