Nieman Foundation at Harvard
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Articles by Matthew Battles

As a twelve-year-old, Matthew Battles accidentally threw a baseball through the window of the public library in Petersburg, Illinois; he’s been paying for it ever since. His first book, Library: An Unquiet History, appeared in 2004. He has written about language, culture, nature, technology, and history for The American Scholar, The Atlantic Online, The Boston Globe, Harper’s, and The Wilson Quarterly, among other publications. He also blogs at, and is at work on a book about the sentimental and natural history of handwriting. On Twitter, he’s @matthewbattles.
metaLAB’s Matthew Battles argues that the nature of knowledge is changing in the context of networks.
There’s a long history of mixing interactivity into learning — and a new generation of tools can let that interaction come in acts of creation, not just consumption.
February 10, 2011
July 27, 2010
July 15, 2010
July 7, 2010
July 2, 2010
July 1, 2010
June 30, 2010
June 29, 2010