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Journo Ipsum

A lorem ipsum generator for future-of-news nerds

Lorum ipsum is the traditional Latin placeholder text, used when a designer needs a chunk of text for dummying up a layout. Journo Ipsum is like that, only using some of the most common catchphrases, buzzwords, and bon mots of the future-of-news crowd. Hit reload for a new batch. For entertainment purposes only. (More here.)

linking community hyperlocal Groupon cops beat monetization gotta grok it before you rock it CPM Snarkmarket, vast wasteland twitterati totally blowing up on Twitter YouTube mathewi backpack journalist A.J. Liebling iPhone app, The Printing Press as an Agent of Change we will make them pay net neutrality Aron Pilhofer dying go viral 5 praise erasers & how to avoid them. AOL Encyclo meme tags every dog loves food Snarkmarket Alberto Ibarguen Tumblr dead trees retweet, Ushahidi media bias gotta grok it before you rock it right-sizing Marshall McLuhan Journal Register explainer data journalism Josh Marshall Robin Sloan, abundance Fuego The Printing Press as an Agent of Change Paul Steiger hyperlocal Marshall McLuhan West Seattle Blog copyright.

Politics & Socks page CPM future of narrative Google News gamification Gutenberg parenthesis A.J. Liebling Colbert bump got drudged iPhone app, WordPress Tumblr we will make them pay media bias recontextualize going forward Steve Jobs blog cognitive surplus, serendipity reality-based Tumblr digital first election-night hologram stupid commenters Tim Carmody scoop. the other longer Book Review 5 praise erasers & how to avoid them I love the Weather & Opera section WaPo the power of the press belongs to the person who owns one the notion of the public Clay Shirky, Django reality-based 5 praise erasers & how to avoid them The Daily newspaper strike Frontline, circulation tablets gotta grok it before you rock it crowdsourcing Does my "yes, but" look big in this corner office?.

media diet SEO the notion of the public Android newsroom cafe Google+ Article Skimmer semipermeable column-inch, crowdfunding in the slot Gardening & War section link economy Fuego Free Darko right-sizing, Groupon bringing a tote bag to a knife fight the notional night cops reporter in Des Moines nonprofit meme Groupon synergize. SEO explainer AP should isn't a business model circulation the audience knows more than I do Mozilla the other longer Book Review net neutrality, Innovator's Dilemma masthead open source HuffPo attracting young readers paywall inverted pyramid, stupid commenters shoot a photo writing Sulzberger the other longer Book Review open newsroom The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.

Josh Marshall Groupon engagement Buttry tools discuss Romenesko 5% corruption The Printing Press as an Agent of Change Dan Fleckner Demand Media monetization hyperhyperhyperlocal discuss, future totally blowing up on Twitter Facebook plagiarism WikiLeaks the medium is the message paidContent bot analytics Voice of San Diego gutter. gotta grok it before you rock it content is king net neutrality natural-born blogger community I love the Weather & Opera section ProPublica The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction iPhone app backpack journalist in the slot, data journalism shoot a photo just across the wire Aron Pilhofer every dog loves food Clay Shirky Ushahidi crowdsourcing I love the Weather & Opera section filters digital circulation strategy, Instagram linkbait Facebook should isn't a business model Alberto Ibarguen mathewi digital circulation strategy metered model mthomps.

paidContent Gutenberg What Would Google Do semipermeable meme dingbat Knight News Challenge, anonymity CTR data journalism shoot a video Jay Rosen, Colbert bump linking AOL WaPo Ushahidi. Knight News Challenge rubber cement explainer reporting Sulzberger awesome do what you do best and link to the rest afternoon paper, mathewi tablets CPM backpack journalist Buttry kitchen table of the future, Politics & Socks page Bill Keller advertising morgue Politics & Socks page scoop.

The Daily Knight News Challenge Colbert bump Walter Lippmann algorithms the medium is the message Buttry location-based This Week in Review A.J. Liebling Like button content farm cancel my subscription startups, Gannett I love the Weather & Opera section nonprofit Andy Carvin paywall Voice of San Diego totally blowing up on Twitter circulation dingbat analog thinking Sulzberger got drudged. Gardening & War section shoot a video advertising cops beat The Daily retweet newsonomics HuffPo awesome Knight Foundation, discuss the medium is the message shoot a video Marshall McLuhan Clay Shirky #twittermakesyoustupid CNN leaves it there YouTube CTR, Jurgen Habermas cancel my subscription hyperhyperhyperlocal Robin Sloan content farm CNN leaves it there AP tags.

Project Thunderdome Rupert Murdoch Foursquare perfect for starting a campfire nut graf content farm community advertising YouTube kitchen table of the future, Chartbeat Gawker Knight Foundation Walter Lippmann location-based metered model tools tweet, 5% corruption Walter Lippmann Sulzberger gamification curation #twittermakesyoustupid commons-based peer production anonymity. blog Jeff Jarvis horse-race coverage David Cohn CTR #twittermakesyoustupid Does my "yes, but" look big in this corner office? Josh Marshall curation Clay Shirky Project Thunderdome gamification, 5% corruption dying newsroom cafe libel lawyer Pulse Lucius Nieman AP Nick Denton The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.

Frontline open source future John Dewey horse-race coverage Article Skimmer Bill Keller information wants to be free, Nick Denton The Weekender analytics The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction Pictures of Goats section cancel my subscription, WikiLeaks Lucius Nieman crowdfunding Article Skimmer circulation Knight News Challenge. the medium is the massage Dayton for under $900 a day Voice of San Diego Aron Pilhofer Jay Rosen he said she said Marshall McLuhan What Would Google Do AOL media diet, Romenesko tools syndicated horse-race coverage media bias but what's the business model linking Politics & Socks page +1, attracting young readers fair use Alberto Ibarguen in the slot layoffs got drudged crowdsourcing Nick Denton future of context.

Frontline going forward Gannett shoot a photo Pulse curmudgeon synergize dying perfect for starting a campfire vast wasteland hyperhyperlocal, twitterati David Cohn data journalism got drudged Project Thunderdome Article Skimmer vast wasteland Robin Sloan serendipity WSJ, community Dan Fleckner put the paper to bed tools gotta grok it before you rock it Mozilla metered model natural-born blogger Knight Foundation. Flipboard Julian Assange Josh Marshall ProPublica trolls horse-race coverage, Flipboard crowdfunding experiment social media, MinnPost horse-race coverage process vs. product Demand Media.

Snarkmarket Gannett link economy gamification production of innocence Reuters perfect for starting a campfire WaPo we will make them pay media diet, scoop hot news doctrine bot paywall NYT R&D stupid commenters Romenesko we will make them pay. try PR Twitter topples dictators Tim Carmody cancel my subscription retweet The Printing Press as an Agent of Change CNN leaves it there hashtag Jeff Jarvis prostate, Knight News Challenge TweetDeck filters Arab spring digital first process vs. product Romenesko monetization hyperlocal, future of narrative privacy #twittermakesyoustupid masthead Frontline curation Encyclo.

got drudged inverted pyramid Gawker newspaper strike the audience knows more than I do plagiarism tools the power of the press belongs to the person who owns one nut graf The Weekender Paul Steiger YouTube engagement, production of innocence community filters community Andy Carvin newsonomics hackgate I love the Weather & Opera section Paul Steiger Frontline synergize. stupid commenters David Cohn innovation, bringing a tote bag to a knife fight.