Nieman Foundation at Harvard
The Green Line creates local news for the people turning away from “big-J journalism”
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Sept. 14, 2010, 6 p.m.

Links on Twitter: WaPo to sell front page ads, Atlantic’s new tech vertical to take a “broader” view, AOL still hiring Patch editors

Bing catches Yahoo as second most popular search engine to Google

“I believe human editing plus automation have always been and will always be needed for top-notch aggregation.”

Can games be a form of journalism?

When journalists talk about collaboration as the future, maybe we just didn’t notice it was the past too

Online journalism or journalism online: is there a difference?

AOL’s mass hiring for local Patch sites still underway

The Atlantic’s new tech vertical will take a “broader and more cultural view of technology”

Revenue where you can get it: WaPo to start running front page ads

POSTED     Sept. 14, 2010, 6 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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The Green Line creates local news for the people turning away from “big-J journalism”
The Green Line combines events, explainers, and solutions to appeal to young Torontonians.
Two-thirds of news influencers are men — and most have never worked for a news organization
A new Pew Research Center report also found nearly 40% of U.S. adults under 30 regularly get news from news influencers.
The Onion adds a new layer, buying Alex Jones’ Infowars and turning it into a parody of itself
One variety of “fake news” is taking possession of a far more insidious one.