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Archives: April 2013

Could it be that investing in the newsroom isn’t just good for journalism — that it’s also good for the bottom line?
The Journal is moving a number of markets-driven blogs into a single vertical, betting that the finance blogging world should be as interconnected as the finance world it covers.
Nieman Visiting Fellow Hong Qu analyzes the role social media played in breaking the news of the Boston Marathon attack.
“What if news organizations confronted the reality that nearly all media will be ‘social media’ a decade hence?…What if news organizations acknowledged this — or even got out in front of it, ahead of the curve this time — and organized themselves as platforms for talent?” Nicco Mele and John Wihbey
Plus: BuzzFeed’s native advertising model, protecting anonymous sources at Fox News, and the rest of the week’s news about the future of news.