100Reporters: $35,000 to launch an Investigative Film Festival in Washington, DC, focusing on films about investigative journalism or investigative journalists.
Carolina Public Press: $25,000 to organize a series of in-person News Exchange events to reach potential readers, subscribers and policymakers in 18 rural Blue Ridge mountain counties.
Citizens Campaign: $35,000 to launch a Community Day in Paterson, NJ to heighten interest in the Paterson Press, their local online investigative news outlet.
High Country News: $30,000 to expand HCN University, partnering with colleges and universities nationwide to integrate HCN’s content into science, economics and environment courses.
inewsource: $28,404 to create one “virtual voice” content syndication and distribution program among up to 90 community news outlets in the San Diego area.
The Lens: $7,500 to expand a Speakers Bureau to bring the Lens reporters face-to-face with current and potential subscribers in New Orleans.
The Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism: $35,000 to organize a series of “Art + Journalism” forums/fundraisers statewide, showcasing their stories on water issues with representative sculpture which will be auctioned.
WKAR-AM/FM/TV: $30,116 to develop a mobile app around their long-running “Off the Record” public affairs show to attract more viewers ages 18-29.
There are two more rounds of this grant competition; the next one will take applications early next year.
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