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Archives: December 2015

“For years, we’ve known that digital journalism is more than just newspaper articles — it requires new technologies and experiences.” Mariano Blejman
“The tech tools that we rely on to engage and grow our audiences are powered by people, and dedicated, hard-working staff are our most important asset.” Carrie Brown-Smith
“Now that Facebook has introduced live video for its verified users and pages, we’ll see an explosion of live reporting, talk shows, and all kinds of experiments.” Ole Reißmann
“The coming year will see more companies abandon websites altogether to save costs, pouring all resources into media creation and leaving presentation and distribution entirely to outside platforms.” Burt Herman
“When you hand over a credit card, you value the product you get in return more than you value the brief, transactional moment you enjoy with a listicle that drifts past you in your Facebook feed.” Erik Diehn
“In 2016, media organizations and journalism schools will begin to comprehend and define product management and embrace it as a relevant and critical career path. Shouldn’t people in these roles be trained to have the storytelling, ethical, and legal mindset of a media professional?” Cindy Royal
“In 2016, it’s our responsibility to earn it. Demand change of each other and champion organizational and individual growth through transparency, collaboration, community, and connection.” Kelsey Proud
“Frictionless video is irresistible. You didn’t even know you made a conscious choice to watch and engage with it. There’s no searching or playlisting or hitting play or loading or waiting through a preroll.” Cory Bergman
“What does it mean that Trump’s voice can be heard calling for the exclusion of Muslims at our borders, but yours can’t? What could that evolve into? Could it affect elections?” Anjali Mullany
“As streaming on-demand content grows, we’ll see the rise of audio discovery outside of a dedicated app, and integrated into the ways we already share content on social streams, the open web, and on mobile.” Caitlin Thompson