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Archives: 2019

Plus: A podcast network for tweens, NPR updates its fee model, Luminary’s collapse, and a few more thoughts on 2019.
“I’ve yet to meet a team in a news organization that suffers from a shortage of good ideas. But I have met teams that have clogged up their roadmaps with lots of good ideas that, cumulatively, have little impact.” Tanya Cordrey
“Rare is the journalist who will cite money among the reasons for choosing our profession. But we also need to eat. And pay the rent. And have a life outside the job. “ Doris Truong
“Local television news is produced as a market-wide product in a media environment where audience-specific, targeted content is thriving.” Rachel Davis Mersey
“This is not to suggest that media organizations in these countries have cracked the code. Instead, it’s about recognizing that there is useful knowledge about how to work under hostile regimes in African media markets.” j. Siguru Wahutu
“Don’t go on a platform if you have nothing to say on it. News organizations’ success on TikTok will depend on our effort to understand the audience populating that platform.” Francesco Zaffarano
“Newsrooms will need to find future leadership replacements collectively across the field and give those individuals training, resources, and support now — not later.” Irving Washington
“Small media organizations without resources for long-term strategic thinking could do a lot worse than asking their readers what directions they could follow in the future.” Catalina Albeanu
“The overarching stories journalism tells aren’t just descriptive. Like any popular mythology, the reoccurring elements in journalists’ stories help craft the very categories of identity that people use to comprehend themselves and others.” Anthony Nadler
“Get ready to answer your door not only to campaigns’ canvassers but also to a local or regional reporter — especially if you live in a rural area or are a member of a marginalized community.” Sue Robinson