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Archives: 2019

“It’s darkest before dawn, and in 2020, all of this will get worse before it gets better.” Millie Tran
“We could use natural language processing tools to examine the tone of our coverage over time. We could use maps to gauge how much time we spend covering communities and where our sources are from.” Sarah Schmalbach
“I am constantly let down by our industry’s inability to keep up, much less show any innovative leadership in mobile UX.” Greg Emerson
“These notions of media theory are premised on an information-centric view of the power of communication. But how much of it is tenable at a time when it seems people increasingly make sense of the news with their hearts first and their minds second?” Pablo Boczkowski
“The gap between what local and national audiences want to read will continue to shrink, as digital news outlets get better at spelling out the context that allows more readers to connect.” Meg Marco
“At least one platform will engage with its most influential users, giving them access to special tools and training to identify and contextualize sources and claims in their feeds.” Mike Caulfield
“As everyone focuses on granular accuracy, the media outlets that have a truly diverse and inclusive reporting staff will distinguish themselves by simply doing stories that have broad impact and gain the trust of new audiences.” Monica Drake
“2020 will undoubtedly be a big podcast year for movie stars, presidential candidates, and the like. But we can’t let this commercialized, hyper-celebrity noise drown out the diverse voices, perspectives, and stories that can and should call podcasting home.” Joni Deutsch
“Journalists are building power inside and outside the newsroom, creating a coalition that the capitalists will not withstand.” Simon Galperin
“Disunity is what authoritarians and wannabe authoritarians depend on to divide and conquer. When the public is busy throwing stones at one another, there’s less time to stop and take a careful look at the powerful men in glass houses.” Kevin D. Grant