“Being from Louisiana” and “running Nieman Lab” are two elements of my life that rarely overlap. So it was surprising to see them mashed up in a push notification last night from The Times-Picayune:
Person who attended NICAR journalism conference in New Orleans tests presumptively positive for coronavirus.
NICAR is, of course, the preeminent annual gathering of data journalists and others inclined toward the use of computational technology in reporting and investigation, and it was held at the New Orleans Marriott last week. Here’s the announcement from IRE director Doug Haddix:
A person who attended the NICAR20 conference in New Orleans last week tested presumptively positive today with COVID-19. This attendee has mild symptoms and is expected to make a full recovery. They are self-quarantining at home for 14 days, as recommended by health professionals.
The test has been sent to the Centers for Disease Control for confirmation. Until the test result is confirmed by the CDC, which can take up to a week, it is considered a presumptive positive. IRE is notifying conference attendees now so that individuals can make their own decisions on how best to proceed.
The attendee traveled from within the United States to the conference in New Orleans and was present from Thursday (March 5) until Saturday afternoon (March 7). Based on the onset of the limited symptoms, they could have contracted the virus either before, during or after the conference. Symptoms can appear within two to 14 days of exposure, and in some cases do not appear at all.
IRE learned today that a #NICAR20 attendee tested positive with COVID-19 today. To ensure the safety of our attendees and community, IRE is notifying conference attendees now so that individuals can make their own decisions on how best to proceed. https://t.co/F9BFCxtnXA (1/5) pic.twitter.com/bqGfGC4tPs
— IRE and NICAR (@IRE_NICAR) March 11, 2020
One thing that the early spread of COVID-19 in the United States has made clear is the role a single gathering can play as a viral accelerator. Here in Massachusetts, of the 92 cases identified so far, a whopping 70 are connected to a single strategy meeting of executives at the biotech company Biogen. (That’s not even counting additional cases in at least three other states tied to the meeting in late February.) “There’s a lot of handshaking, there’s a lot of being in close quarters, and that puts you at risk,” one health care executive told The Wall Street Journal about the Biogen cluster. “You eat something. You rub your eyes. You touch your face.”
That sounds an awful lot like a NICAR or other journalism conference, so the concern about further spread is obvious. (Though it’s worth noting that concerns about COVID-19 were well known before NICAR, unlike the Biogen meeting, and that preventative measures and practices were in place.) The fact that more than 1,000 reporters1 from nearly all major U.S. news organizations (and plenty from around the world) were at NICAR makes this a bigger story than a single presumptive positive normally would.
At #NICAR20 there were:
1000+ people
46 states (plus D.C. and Puerto Rico)
23 countries (including the U.S.)Why am I still surprised by @IRE_NICAR's announcement that an attendee has tested positive for #coronavirus?
— Isabella Jibilian (@Isabella_Jib) March 11, 2020
News organizations are reacting quickly. The New York Times is having all of its NICAR-attending staffers self-quarantine for two weeks.
CLARIFYING: Some NYT staffers attended the Nicar conference in New Orleans, where someone from another organization tested positive for the coronavirus. The newsroom in NY and DC is now getting a deep cleaning. And our employees [AT THE CONFERENCE] will stay home for 14 days.
— Marc Lacey (@marclacey) March 11, 2020
The scene at the New York Times around 12:45 a.m. today pic.twitter.com/WLu4YaGaWi
— Ben Smith (@benyt) March 11, 2020
The Houston Chronicle is doing the same for its four NICAR attendees and encouraging other newsroom staffers to work from home while offices are cleaned.
Houston Chronicle news staffers could have been exposed to coronavirus https://t.co/HRmuzIC0St
— St. John Barned-Smith
(@stjbs) March 11, 2020
There is literally crime scene tape around the investigation team’s section @HoustonChron https://t.co/V2zdqxENJ8 pic.twitter.com/V0AVIRL6c1
— Julian Gill (@JulianGillMusic) March 11, 2020
McClatchy is acting chain-wide — including, apparently, asking people who didn’t attend NICAR but have had contact with attendees to self-quarantine too.
I did not attend NICAR, but I’ve been told to work from home for 14 days. Call you later.https://t.co/k6dvinRdl3
— David Smiley (@NewsbySmiley) March 11, 2020
I came into contact yesterday with someone who did. Abundance of caution, is what I was told.
— David Smiley (@NewsbySmiley) March 11, 2020
I've been asked to work from home the next 14 days. I didn't attend @IRE_NICAR but I had contact with someone who did.
Sources, I'll be calling youhttps://t.co/VMgb8VyLVr pic.twitter.com/788dDyf7gi
— Martin Vassolo (@martindvassolo) March 11, 2020
We don’t just report on coronavirus; we share the complimentary breakfast buffet with it. https://t.co/votOACqzsm
— Sunshine Came Softly (@SunshineHappyP1) March 11, 2020
The second-order effects are also happening at Gannett and elsewhere:
The @HeraldTribune newsroom is working remotely today after members of the @Gannett investigations team, who work in the same room with us, may have been exposed to coronavirus at a conference: https://t.co/K0k2BT4A0p
— Alan Shaw (@AlanCShaw) March 11, 2020
Staying home but still working to deliver news today. One of our I-Team members was at #NICAR, to coin a popular phrase, “out of an abundance of caution” our newsroom staff is working from home. Here is the Central Cocoanut Bureau. #COVID19 #CoronaVirusUpdate pic.twitter.com/u1o7lFjtRy
— Carlos R. Munoz
(@ReadCarlos) March 11, 2020
Doing the real #watchdog journalism from the St. Petersburg bureau of the @HeraldTribune. #NICAR https://t.co/3a1QWj0gN9 pic.twitter.com/xqY4JYbehW
— Tim Fanning (@TimothyJFanning) March 11, 2020
NICAR also attracts a lot of academics, so a lot of journalism professors and students back on campus face another source of anxiety (on top of the ones already facing universities this week):
A little additional tidbit: we will not be opening our capitol office today since several NICAR attendees have been inside. Reporters up at the capitol will file elsewhere. Everyone is doing their best to minimize risk!
— Emily Wolf (@_wolfemily) March 11, 2020
Others are taking individual action:
Dr advised I self-isolate for 14 days, b/c I attended @IRE_NICAR where someone tested ++ for Corona virus. If you don't see me at one of the many environmental meetings/hearings on #GenX, wood pellets, Duke Energy, etc., that's why. Reach me lisa@ncpolicywatch.com @ncpolicywatch
— lisasorg (@lisasorg) March 11, 2020
For those wondering: I was at this conference (@IRE_NICAR #nicar2020) last week. I feel fine but I’m self quarantining until further notice so you won’t be seeing me around the #okleg Capitol for a bit.
Took off Monday & Tuesday so haven’t been to the Capitol since I got back https://t.co/3jWSSIw7Qr
— Trevor Brown (@tbrownOKC) March 11, 2020
And now I'm working from home for a bit.
— Chris Zubak-Skees (@zubakskees) March 10, 2020
Working from quarantine tomorrow. What should I do that I don’t normally do?
— Jared Rutecki (@JaredRutecki) March 11, 2020
Self-quarantine starts… now.
Luckily(?) I have lots of practice from the past year, when I was home with an immunocompromised baby.
— Julia Haslanger (@JuliaJRH) March 10, 2020
It’s all fun and games until you get (preventatively) quarantined. #Day1
— Caitlin Ostroff (@ceostroff) March 11, 2020
While it’s hard to tally up the impact precisely, there are likely more than a thousand journalists working from home today because of this one positive test at NICAR, with hundreds of them having to self-quarantine for 14 days.
Combine that with all the other, non-NICAR-related actions being taken by news organizations — The Washington Post announcing a “soft quarantine” for all staff, Condé Nast, Vox Media, and Business Insider sending everyone home through the end of the month, the L.A. Times asking everyone who’s flown anywhere recently to self-quarantine for two weeks, and hundreds of other decisions across the country and the world — and you have a structural shift like this industry has never seen. Yesterday, I wrote about the huge (and negative) potential impacts the spread of coronavirus could have on the news business, but the impacts on our editorial products are also very real.This kind of move is obviously a lot easier to pull off in an age of iPhones, ubiquitous wifi, decent mobile data, and Zoom than it would have been 10, 20, or 30 years ago. But it’s also a jarring natural experiment: How does the news change when reporters have to keep their distance from events, sources, and one another? I hope some academic is tracking how news organizations’ output gets altered when the newsroom’s physical center does not hold. (Assuming said academic isn’t too busy arranging childcare after their kid’s school gets canceled, figuring out how to teach remotely for the first time, or anxiously overthinking every household cough.)
There are obvious reasons why a centralized newsroom with a physical home is important for local news. But with the digital-native news world becoming increasingly centered on a few expensive coastal cities, this disruption could be an opportunity for some NYC/DC/SF/LA publishers to embrace a less place-centered approach.when the Post functions just fine with a large portion of the workforce working from home, i wonder if the org will look at remote work in a better light https://t.co/8mypoG14h6
— Steven Rich (@dataeditor) March 10, 2020
so what happens when tons of office workers start working from home for a while and find out that many of the jobs that require living in expensive cities can be done just fine by working from home, including in places where you can rent or buy a home for much much less money
— Mark Berman (@markberman) March 10, 2020
gonna be wild when all these newsrooms lift the "time to work from home!" guidance and like 80% of people just don't come back in, instead asking for their mail to be forwarded to Raleigh or wherever https://t.co/5T7dtsx1qE
— Mark Berman (@markberman) March 10, 2020
And for some, 14 days of isolation was a small price to pay for what they got out of the conference.
For real, though, I hope this bad luck doesn't harm NICAR's reputation. I had a great time and learned a lot of new skills. There were classes for all levels of data reporters, and I even got to interview with a potential employer! Those opportunities are worth the quarantine.
— Kelly Kenoyer (@Kelly_Kenoyer) March 11, 2020
if it turns out i do have it, i had the best time at nicar and no regrets at all about re-connecting with old friends and people i don't see very often, learning new stuff, and laughing so hard i cried
— Soph (@SophieWarnes) March 11, 2020
In any event, a fair number of tweets sent out last week — before or during NICAR — now read just a little bit differently.
The work-life balance panel #NICAR20 is interesting in how much of it is about drawing boundaries between work and not-work. How can we draw those boundaries when everyone's shut in their homes to avoid COVID-19? When there's no excuse to be outside or have group gatherings?
— Ben Keith (@benlkeith) March 7, 2020
More like #nicorona2020, amirite?
Sigh. I’ll delete my account now.
— Matt Waite (@mattwaite) March 4, 2020
Working from home now, I don’t have a lot of occasions to come into contact with people whose hands I’d shake. But I very much appreciated all the elbow-bumping that was going around at @IRE_NICAR’s #nicar2020 when I peeked in. Yay for hospitality + disease prevention. #COVID2019
— Rebecca Catalanello (@RCatNola) March 10, 2020
Farewell #NICAR20, and thanks to the great #IRE_NICAR staff for a fantastic conference. Hope to see you in Baltimore next year if coronavirus doesn’t get us.
— Ronald Campbell (@campbellronaldw) March 8, 2020
Happy #NICAR20 recovery day! Thanks to all the @IRE_NICAR staff and members for making this such an amazing year. You are all the best.
— Denise Malan (@DeniseMalan) March 9, 2020
At the #NICAR2020 data journalism conference over the weekend, a panel of reporters and health professionals had a great discussion about how to cover #coronavirus. Now @IRE_NICAR is releasing the audio from the panel: https://t.co/gFKVa43i4D
— Brian M. Rosenthal (@brianmrosenthal) March 9, 2020
Just have to give a shout out to the @washingtonpost as they would not allow staff to attend NICAR. They certainly are looking like Doc Brown circa 1985 right now. #NICAR20
— Dylan Anderson (@DandersonJour) March 11, 2020