Nieman Foundation at Harvard
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Archives: January 2022

But the direction of causality is tricky. Do a democracy’s flaws lead it to starve public media, or does starving public media lead to a democracy’s flaws?
“We think a good deal about appropriate moments to prompt a reader to pursue a different story or a different topic altogether.”
After a two-week free trial, Axios Pro costs $600/year for one newsletter or $1,800/year for all Pro newsletters. (There’s no monthly option.)
A study of crime reporting in three major U.S. dailies found coverage included less dehumanizing language by the end of the year.
A new study finds that the more local newspapers there were in a county, the worse it performed on a measure of social distancing in the early days of the pandemic. But take the findings with a grain of salt.
“We’re starting to wonder, ‘Okay, can this work as a social audio conversation? How can we get more voices on this whether from the audience or our sources?'”
“What’s really struck me is the variety of issues I’ve seen reported in recent weeks. Not one of them has been the same.”
“The more that a study looked like the real world, the less fact-checking changed participants’ minds.”