Nieman Foundation at Harvard
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Archives: 2022

“Podcasting will grow as an essential source of news, storytelling, and opportunity within local communities.” Kerri Hoffman
“There is much we can learn from our American colleagues. But there is as least as much we can’t.” Jakob Moll
“When brands stop advertising on misinformation sites and instead advertise on quality news sites, their CPM price for ads goes down and engagement with their ads goes up.” Gordon Crovitz
“Every good conversation starts with a question.” Pia Frey and Torsten Schlegel
“As more journalists speak out, and more news organizations grow hungry for motivated and talented reporters, they will have to begin adjusting the norms that have historically ignored abuse.” Kaitlin C. Miller
“We need to publicly discuss how inappropriate these salary disparities are — both in for-profit and nonprofit newsrooms — when so many news organizations are struggling and laying off workers.” Gabe Schneider
“We will be increasingly likely to hear that pro-democracy reporting is biased, dangerous, and un-American.” Michael W. Wagner
“Coming into the 2024 elections, the country cannot rely on the bravest among us to occasionally burst through the lies.” Juleyka Lantigua
“My hope is for podcast makers to overcome this insatiable need to be the first, the best, and the one-and-only, and to instead focus on being collaborators and audio allies.” Joni Deutsch
Harsh (even if fair) coverage of left-of-center governments will not decrease accusations of bias in the U.S., Brazil, or anywhere else. Daniel Trielli