Nieman Foundation at Harvard
“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas
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Archives: August 2023

The precarity of local news outlets has left them with “little to no access to capital.” A new report imagines what state and local government, philanthropies, and community-minded institutions could do to change that.
“It is elevating investigative reporting to a level where we are able to access … jewels lying on the beach in the research of the academic world.”
“We share a lot of the same goals. When we talked about mission statements, there were so many similarities.”
Expect the biggest media companies to use their market power to cut better deals with OpenAI and its peers.
“I’ve been trying to think of the Bold Links as action items, and the other links as supporting materials.”
Blendle has been selling news by the article for nearly a decade, but “very limited” demand and the rise of digital subscriptions have done the idea in.
“I’m really interested in these beautiful, touchable representations of data that use texture to encode information in a way that our screens cannot reproduce.”
“After a few tweaks to the reward structure of social media platforms, users begin to share information that is accurate and fact-based.” (Though the tweaks involved paying people to do so.)
Readers “have to see this again and again and again, I think, before you really make an impact.”