As some newsroom roles go the way of the dinosaurs, brand new jobs are being born. This interview is part of an occasional series of Q&As with people who are the first to hold their title in their newsroom. Read through the rest here.
Phoebe Connelly is The Washington Post’s first-ever senior editor for AI strategy and innovation. Appointed to the role in February, Connelly joins a wave of dedicated AI editorial and product strategists entering major newsrooms. Outlets including The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times are actively hiring for similar roles.
At the Post, Connelly’s job, first and foremost, is to experiment. She’ll be overseeing the development of tools and processes that bring generative AI into the newsroom, at all levels, while maintaining editorial standards.
It’s no small task. Several outlets have already set prime examples for what not to do when it comes to AI adoption. Shoddy copy, PR crises, and factual inaccuracies have plagued early adopters of ChatGPT, such as Sports Illustrated, CNET, and Gizmodo.
But after years leading the Post’s Next Generation initiative to bring younger readers to the publication — another first-of-its-kind role — Connelly says she’s up for the challenge. I chatted with her over email to learn more about what led her to this unique role, and what she hopes to do with it. Our conversation has been lightly edited for length and clarity.
As with most new roles, there is a need for my role because of the many people who are already working with AI and want to see us move faster. Meghan Hoyer, head of data journalism in the newsroom, has an incredible track record and I’m very fortunate to now get to be in weekly meetings with Sam Han, who is the director of AI on our engineering team.
I think there is someone at almost every major organization who has been asked to add AI to their portfolio. I joked with Zach Seward [editorial director of AI at the New York Times] that we should start our own support group for those “newly charged with figuring out AI.” Please reach out; we’re considering organizing a help line.I have a dual reporting structure to [executive editor] Sally Buzbee and [chief technology officer] Vineet Khosla — our hope is this cross-functional structure will ensure we are pulling from the whole company to build with generative AI.
Of course, first on my list was how we can better serve our readers.
Last year, the Next Generation team started some experiments that leveraged generative AI. We held a company wide hackathon and our product manager, Tony Guzman started prototyping news delivery surfaces that incorporated generative AI.
The announcement of a new role is a moment that gets everyone thinking about what is possible. Now my colleagues know to come to me with ideas they’d like to see us pursue. Newsrooms are deeply collaborative places, used to forming ad hoc teams around a breaking story or pairing up to maximize reporting resources. Tackling a new technology in that type of collaborative environment is thrilling.
Getting a crash course in product development was formative. My partner in building video products was [director of engineering] Vidya Viswanathan. She was so generous with her time, willing to talk through any problem and eager to figure out how to work with the particular rhythm of a newsroom. I learned so much working with her. We sit right next to each other again — it’s like coming home.
Building the Next Gen team really forced me to think through how an organization can tackle new problems while maintaining its core values. And I got to work with simply the most talented slice of people across the Post. We as an industry should set up more short-term teams. It was incredible to work fast and hard at a problem for two years and see what change we could accomplish.
My dad just retired from the Chicago Transit Authority. In his farewell speech he said, “The glass is always half full for me.” I am definitely my father’s daughter. I’m always looking for the upside, the opportunity. And yes, if we take a business trip together I will make you take public transit.
I’m not afraid of AI as a journalist. We are so good at leveraging new tools to report and deliver the news. Generative AI is just the latest. Journalists introduce new facts into the conversation, and we do this through multiple-sourced, transparent reporting. This skill set and our core values are even more valuable in an AI-mediated landscape.
First-of-their-kind jobs are as much about culture change as they are about the task. It’s not enough that I get us thoughtfully using generative AI — I need to leave the newsroom feeling good about how we got there.