Nieman Foundation at Harvard
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Archives: December 5, 2024

“The newest generation of journalists will not give in to pessimism about whether their profession still matters in an age of cynicism about the press.” Christoph Mergerson
“In 2025, unless we come together as a journalism field and course-correct away from information consolidation controlled by the ultra-wealthy, it will get worse.” Gabe Schneider
“Somewhere in the future, beyond 2025, a flourishing landscape of adequately financed, equitable media enterprises will deliver impactful content, serve diverse communities, and achieve financial independence.” Adam Thomas
“The theories of AI as a substituting force or complementary force in the labor market provide a way to chart the choices ahead.” Alfred Hermida
“What if reporting on racist, misogynist, dehumanizing opinions and comments has the opposite effect from what most journalists intend — normalizing propaganda and even making political candidates seem interesting?” Alexandra Borchardt
“Many publishers remain anchored to hierarchies born in the print era, with editorial at the center and product and technology bolted on as afterthoughts.” Nick Petrie
“It will be the educators’ job to direct students in the most effective ways to use AI to extend their capabilities, not replace them.” Cindy Royal
“Joe Rogan is a symptom of changing media systems, not the root cause.” Jessica Maddox
“If you’d been elected to some local position in the past year, my call was probably your first time ever dealing with a journalist. That had never been true in my past jobs.” Sam Mintz
“A ‘finishable’ print product from a trusted source which takes the time to explain and consider news would be right for the growing wave of news avoiders who are overwhelmed by the 24/7 news cycle.” Esther Kezia Thorpe