Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Rebooting the Minnesota Star Tribune: A conversation with Steve Grove
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Archives: May 2024

“We do think our results can inform readers’ priors about the potential effects of social media in the final weeks of high-profile national elections.”
“It’s information. But it’s not news.”
“The step that we need to make as a society is moving from, ‘This came from a machine, it must be correct,’ to, if I’m talking to a friend of mine who says something crazy, ‘I need to double check that, I need to cross reference it to make sure that it is accurate.'”
Awarded investigative stories are increasingly relying on machine learning, whether covering Chicago police negligence or Israeli weapons in Gaza
“We don’t come in when there’s something crazy happening and then leave when it’s over. This is just what we do all the time. And I really hope that makes people trust us more as a newspaper.”
“We observe a dramatic increase in posts containing screenshots of Canadian news stories in the post-ban period.”
For the first time ever, more online news sites produced Pulitzer finalists than newspapers did.
Just 15% of Americans paid or gave money to a local news source in the past year, according to new research from the Pew-Knight Initiative.
What’s important to watch, in this gnarly legislation filled with acronyms, are two simple things: Money In and Money Out.