Nieman Foundation at Harvard
“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas
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Archives: June 2024

Is increasing subscriber numbers by offering people rock-bottom trial prices sustainable?
“Any organization that is dependent on having a founder around is inherently unsustainable.”
Some findings from RISJ’s 2024 Digital News Report.
“To believe that the richness of Black identity can be understood through a temporary costume trivializes the lifelong trauma of racism. It turns the complexity of Black life into a stunt.”
“We are…deeply worried that despite this partnership, OpenAI may be downplaying rather than elevating our works,” Business Insider’s union wrote in a letter to management.
“If you’re doing it, do it properly. Don’t just add a few widgets, or overlay products and embeds, and call yourself accessible.”
Plus: News participation is declining, online and offline; making personal phone calls could help with digital-subscriber churn; and partly automated news videos seem to work with audiences.
“There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks when decades happen.”
The new brand campaign is aimed at younger versions of existing Journal readers. The various “It’s Your Business” ads center some of the newsroom’s edgier and more evergreen journalism.
While the sector is still growing, that growth is slowing, by some metrics. And audience data for 2023 shows that across all outlets surveyed, average monthly web traffic fell.