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“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas
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Oct. 27, 2009, 5:08 p.m.

Links on Twitter: Price of a Gawker Media sponsored post, what Ruby on Rails means for news, Yahoo cracks up ad industry

In this fascinating thread, we learn that a $25,000 ad buy with Gawker Media gets you a free sponsored post »

Thanks for all the 1st-birthday wishes today. Also celebrating a birthday, its 15th, is the banner ad »

Programmer philosophy: What Ruby on Rails and the “news blob” mean for the future of journalism »

Try telling me this post, “What data exploration feels like,” doesn’t sound like good ole reporting »

NYT’s @nickbilton: “We trust the news media 29%, and we trust our friends and family 90%” »

This Yahoo video doesn’t make *me* LOL, but it’s huge in the ad world, so that alone is reason to watch »

POSTED     Oct. 27, 2009, 5:08 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas
OkayNWA’s AI-generated news site is the future of local journalism and/or a glorified CMS.
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