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“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas
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March 18, 2010, 6 p.m.

Links on Twitter: the cost of FOIA, cyber-bodyguards, down and dirty with Viacom/YouTube

Wired op-ed: Why the Internet should win the Nobel Peace Prize »

Remember “David After Dentist,” the YouTube-tastic viral vid? It’s earned David’s family $$ in the “low six figures” »

Online-only for a year now, checks in with other local news ventures (ht @niemanreports/ML) »

“I hear it’s something people use to talk to each other”: BBC’s moving narrative of digital divide »

To just describe their database via FOIA, U.S. immigration needs ‘861 man hours.’ Cost: $111K (via @propublica »

“In fact, some of the very clips that Viacom is suing us over were actually uploaded by Viacom itself.” »

“Cyber-bodyguards”: the Pentagon, to combat cyberattack, trains military computer experts in hacking »

Reuters offers a new subscription service–customizable, print-ready financial infographics–to newspapers »

24 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute »

Jimmy Wales questions cost of NYT opinion columns: “I don’t see the added value there” (via @NewspaperWorld »

Reuters AlterNet keeps humanitarians and reporters up-to-date on crisis around the world #MWS2010 »

In 2010, China’s mobile web users will outnumber the entire population of the US (via @techcrunch »

Viacom-YouTube “secrets” to be exposed today as judge releases docs in copyright dispute (via @iwantmedia »

Good morning! The Pentagon adds WikiLeaks to its list of “enemies threatening the security of the United States” »

POSTED     March 18, 2010, 6 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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