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April 16, 2010, 7 p.m.

Links on Twitter: AP moves to “website,” Google auto-suggest feature becomes more local, Library of Congress doesn’t know whether Twitter archive is opt-out

“Although style listings are not an ‘American Idol’ popularity vote, it is important to us to listen to our readers.” »

Great take from @niemanstory: “If you can pair up efficiently with someone, it can work to everyone’s advantage.” »

Responding to reader input, AP Stylebook (the real one!) officially changes “Web site” to “website” »

Google tips its servers: a visualization of the search giant’s ginormousness (via @Gizmodo »

A small move with big implications: Google’s auto-suggest feature becomes more local »

“This is about journalism integrity”: @dangillmor reacts to our Apple app rejection story »

Yesterday, @c4fcm hosted “Civics in Difficult Places,” a global call-in show with @ethanz. The podcast: »

The Library of Congress doesn’t know if you’ll be able to opt out of its Twitter archive »

POSTED     April 16, 2010, 7 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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