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“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas
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May 20, 2010, 6:06 p.m.

Links on Twitter: Google launches Google TV, Foursquare is 1 million strong, TBD picks up another local blogger

TBD picks up another local blogger. DCist won’t be the same without her »

When worlds collide: Google announces Google TV, bringing the Internet to your big screen »

Google activates over 100,000 Android phones a day »

Liveblogging the debut of Google TV (“new platform that we believe will change the future of TV”) »

Foursquare, already 1 million users strong, is adding 15,000 per day »

“Even by the standards of the Web, it was a startling demonstration of the rhythm and mores of micro-blogging in China.” »

News content is expensive, but newsy content is a different story. @kendoctor‘s Newsonomics at the margins »

Scratch “Beta.” @jeffjarvis‘s next book will be called “Public Parts,” and will discuss the value of publicness »

Strategic buyers eye True/Slant, a startup that encourages “entrepreneurial journalism” »

GigaOm’s new, free iPhone app features a “direct communication channel with our team of writers” »

POSTED     May 20, 2010, 6:06 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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