Nieman Foundation at Harvard
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We keep an eye out for the most interesting stories about Labby subjects: digital media, startups, the web, journalism, strategy, and more. Here’s some of what we’ve seen lately.
Nieman Storyboard / Audra Jenkins / Jul 21, 2020
“I didn’t have an aha moment as much as it was a slow awakening to the ways in which politics permeated our lives much the same way that fashion does. The two are intertwined. I saw that in powerful ways when Hillary Clinton was first lady. One time when she testified on Capitol Hill, she was wearing a coat with a curious design on the back. TV commentators kept referring to the pattern as a ‘dragon.’ I called her spokesperson, who sent me a close-up image of the back of her coat. The pattern was abstract. People saw what they wanted to see. The coat pattern was like a Rorschach test.”