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“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas
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June 14, 2010, 6:31 p.m.

Links on Twitter: Petty and Tribune team up, Al-Jazeera plans to expand to mobile, Starbucks to offer free wifi

RT @lfmccullough: JOBS: AP is hiring a Interactive Newsroom Technology Manager ( and a News Developer »

Nieman Reports latest issue is live, featuring Carr on the threat of skimming, Rushkoff on Internet bias »

Public media joins forces to create one big platform that will let them build apps, stations, websites (via @acarvin) »

Into the great wide…web: Tom Petty and the Tribune Company team up for an online partnership »

Roving journos, rejoice! Starbucks will offer free wifi starting July 1 »

Al-Jazeera English plans to expand its presence, free of charge, on mobile devices »

“A speed bump that rewards people who do read is a good thing, not a bad one” »

The McKinsey way: the firm teams up with Nielsen to create a social media consultancy (via @iwantmedia) »

Twitter considers “promoted trends” as part of its new advertising model »

Making memes profitable: “We kill about 20% of all the sites we start,” says Cheezburger Network CEO »

POSTED     June 14, 2010, 6:31 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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