“We hope the last year has proven that we come in peace”: @KatchesCW reflects on @CaliforniaWatch‘s first year http://nie.mn/9E9Cjz
“No book printed until it’s sold”: new collective aims to overcome inefficiencies in book publishing http://nie.mn/b9sxbK
The ad for its new iPad app manages to promote Newsday’s app and its print product at once http://nie.mn/9WJTuO
“World, meet Pixel Ping”: @ProPublica open-sources a lightweight stats tracker http://nie.mn/cFEhgH
Web users in the US now spend more time socializing on Facebook than searching on Google http://nie.mn/bKPejP
Looks like the NYT is planning a social news service http://nie.mn/9uQ6Hu
Wikileaks readies another round of war documents http://nie.mn/dxABPD
Apple’s changes to app development rules could be a boost to mobile advertising http://nie.mn/9DglSS