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Collaboration helps keep independent journalism alive in Venezuela
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June 6, 2024, 10:49 a.m.
Business Models
LINK:   ➚   |   Posted by: Neel Dhanesha   |   June 6, 2024

Last week, Zack Colman of Politico reported that Climate Nexus, a climate communications firm that’s been a stalwart of the climate news landscape since 2011, will shut down on June 21. The Water Hub, a Climate Nexus project that focuses on water issues, will be splitting off into its own organization, but many of the firm’s 34 staff members will be out of jobs.

This also means that climate journalists around the world will be left without what has often been a vital source of information — especially during the United Nations’ annual climate conference (also known as COP), when Climate Nexus director Shravya Jain-Conti would send out regular email updates that achieved a frankly perfect mix of humor and information.

“It did more than almost any organization to promote basic climate science awareness among journalists, during a time when the role of climate in newsrooms expanded dramatically and evolved far beyond the stale, misleading scientist-vs-denier framing that used to be a hallmark of mainstream media coverage,” Tim McDonnell wrote in Semafor Wednesday. But, he continued, “The group had struggled to fill a funding gap left after the drying-up of funding from the MacArthur Foundation, which had been its main financial backer, and other donors.”

Climate Nexus was a rarity: A communications group that had no client but was instead dedicated to information for information’s sake. I’m going to miss it, and I’m not the only one:

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