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Oct. 12, 2010, 6 p.m.

Links on Twitter: FT iPad app makes money, BGov may go to the states, Cox unleashes DealSwarm

Public service announcement: WaPo is looking for a Senior Software Engineer »

Election night news stream: ABC News will stream mid-term election night coverage on Facebook »

Tablet Heavy: News publishers planning apps for Android tablets, BlackBerry Playbook »

If Bloomberg Government is successful, expect to see a state-level data and information service »

Are magazine iPad apps walled off gardens when it comes to interactivity? »

Cox Media unleashes DealSwarm, a daily online discount competitor to Groupon »

Is social gaming the next step for media companies? »

“I think the golden era is ahead of us.” .@burtherman on Hacks/Hackers, Storify and the future »

As Twitter continues its advertising push, a tool for local business ads is expected next year »

FT’s iPad app is raking in some dough (1 million pounds or $1.58 million) »

Twitter users love links: The clickthrough rate crushes Facebook »

Staples of old yellow journalism are the same as new: “sex; crime; and, even better, sex crime” »

POSTED     Oct. 12, 2010, 6 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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Readers prefer to click on a clear, simple headline — like this one
“Headlines with more common words — simple words like ‘job’ instead of ‘occupation’ — shorter headlines, and those communicated in a narrative style, with more pronouns compared with prepositions, received more clicks.”
“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas
OkayNWA’s AI-generated news site is the future of local journalism and/or a glorified CMS.
Does legacy news help or hurt in the fight against election misinformation?
Plus: One way local newspapers covered the pandemic well, how rational thinking can encourage misinformation, and what a Muslim journalistic value system looks like.