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Dec. 3, 2010, 6 p.m.

Links on Twitter: Jim Brady on leaving TBD, Times of London’s subscription gap and missing the coupon craze

You BLEW IT! Or so it seems local media missed out on the coupon craze and more online ads »

Times of London says it’s going to make up the gap in lost revenue from subscribers soon »

Curious about the tablet talk at today’s INMA media transformation conference? Poynter’s @dKiesow is liveblogging »

@CJR talks with Ethan Zuckerman about the implications of Amazon dumping WikiLeaks »

Jim Brady talks about leaving TBD and the rift over innovation and reporting at Allbritton »

Gawker’s redesign: “River on one side, party on the other” »

Just call them The Super: Google buys NYC office building, tenants include Sprint, Barnes & Noble and Spotify »

Could Google be updating its digital copyright rules because Viacom is appealing the YouTube case? »

Will Apple unveil a subscription model with the release of News Corp’s The Daily on iPad? »

POSTED     Dec. 3, 2010, 6 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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