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“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas
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March 21, 2011, 6:01 p.m.

Links on Twitter: Smartphones and the old media gap, Google refers down for media sites and Nate Silver goes to the salad bar

Study says Twitter may hint to your political ideology, even if you avoid political updates »

An experiment: Just how tough will it be to stay up on NY Times news through Twitter »

Referrals to media sites from Google were down last year. But does it mean anything? »

Snoop Dogg loves Martha Stewart, and other insights from Twitter’s new discovery video »

"To my fellow writers, I promise that you will make a living at this craft: just not the way we used to" »

The ways in which Google isn’t, but increasingly is, a media company »

Making sense of community managers, and why newspapers need them (via @10000words) »

A brief history of breaking news Twitpics that captured the public’s attention »

Frédéric Filloux says the NYT digital subscription plan shares similarities with the French tax system »

Hearst is the latest company to get its Groupon on, making a new daily deals service for papers »

"Too much dressing will weigh down your value proposition." Nate Silver analyzes the salad bar »

Looks like accessing documents anywhere through Scribd is about to get much easier »

Wait, do smartphones fill in the gaps left by traditional media, or displace that media entirely? »

The NY Times unofficial goal for online subscribers is reportedly around 300,000 »

POSTED     March 21, 2011, 6:01 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas
OkayNWA’s AI-generated news site is the future of local journalism and/or a glorified CMS.
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