Davis Wiki is a wiki dedicated to information and news on the town of Davis, Calif. The site was created in 2004 by Philip Neustrom and Mike Ivanov while the two were undergraduate students at the UC Davis.
The site contains pages information necessary to orient oneself in Davis, with categories for basic city services, restaurants and other businesses. As a wiki all information is added, edited and vetted by users of the site, but Davis Wiki goes an extra step in asking editors to use their real names on the site.
Along with acting as an information source the wiki has proven to be a provider of news. In the spring of 2010 Davis Wiki users took to the site to spread word of a young con artist who was soliciting money from residents.
In June 2010 Neustrom and Ivanov were among the winners of the Knight News Challenge, receiving a $350,000 grant to build on the existing wiki software they use to run the site. The pair have been developing LocalWiki, a software and support program that would allow any community to start up a localized wiki similar to Davis Wiki. In September 2010 LocalWiki raised over $25,000 in support of the project through Kickstarter.