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“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas
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June 1, 2009, 6:30 p.m.

Links on Twitter: Twitter’s gender gap, word-cloud reporting, data visualizations

10% of Twitter users account for 90% of tweets. Plus, some interesting data on Twitter and gender »

Totally enamored of Liberia’s “Blackboard Blogger,” who brings the news to his audience. Sells ads, too »

Behind the scenes of NYT’s new, sideways-scrolling multimedia blog Lens. @zlwise explains the design »

First time I’ve seen a word cloud produce useful reporting: government vs. public dialogue on open data »

Who was the first blogger? @scottros takes a fascinating walk back in time »

Sorry to crimp your productivity on this Monday, but here are 50 beautiful data visualizations »

POSTED     June 1, 2009, 6:30 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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