“Having content be portable is going to be paramount.” Q&A on NPR’s digital strategy and its open APIs http://tr.im/sMxS »
Puzzles, tulips, fantasy cricket, Panama hats: How The Telegraph has tapped a revenue stream in e-commerce http://tr.im/sNR1 »
Unlike competitors, traffic at The Huffington Post is up since the election — but average stay is declining http://tr.im/sOkA »
Pantheon Bridge to nowhere: Why clunky tech of the ’90s may have kept newspaper execs from innovating http://tr.im/sMZj »
MTV’s recipe for advertising against short-form video: 5-second pre-roll, then 10 seconds in lower third http://tr.im/sCJq »
Amazing collection of infographics on baseball and other sports http://tr.im/sDnn (via @BBHLabs) »