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“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas
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Sept. 15, 2009, 5:53 p.m.

Links on Twitter: Newspapers still top web as source for local news, MinnPost launches Book Club Club, Wall Street Journal’s new live webcast

While the web beats newspapers as source for national news, that’s not the case for local news »

Studying the use of Twitter for news, @hermida sees the emergence of “ambient journalism” »

Like the idea behind MinnPost’s new Book Club Club: “virtual community of existing book clubs,” 182 so far »

Wall Street Journal to charge $2/wk for now-free BlackBerry and iPhone apps. Subscribers will pay half that »

Bloggers and developers covering New York’s transit authority frequently derailed by trademark claims »

They’ll do it live: Wall Street Journal launching twice-a-day webcast from its snazzy “news hub” »

POSTED     Sept. 15, 2009, 5:53 p.m.
PART OF A SERIES     Twitter
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“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas
OkayNWA’s AI-generated news site is the future of local journalism and/or a glorified CMS.
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Plus: One way local newspapers covered the pandemic well, how rational thinking can encourage misinformation, and what a Muslim journalistic value system looks like.
Ear Hustle’s new audio space is just the first step in a bigger plan
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