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July 29, 2013, 11:09 a.m.
LINK:  ➚   |   Posted by: Joshua Benton   |   July 29, 2013

That’s according to an AP press release:

Meltwater, the leading provider of online intelligence solutions, and The Associated Press today announced they have entered into an agreement to develop new and innovative products based on AP’s world class content and Meltwater’s deep technical expertise in online media analytics. The companies will seek to create new revenue opportunities for both parties through the sale of new products through Meltwater’s extensive global sales network.

“Combining AP’s unparalleled breadth and depth of premium text and video content with Meltwater’s deep technical expertise in analytics and proven capacity for innovation enables us to work collaboratively to develop new products and new revenue opportunities for both parties,” said Jorn Lyseggen, Meltwater CEO and Founder. “There is more to be gained by working together to develop new markets and reaching new customers than can be achieved through adversarial paths and we are eager to forge a strong relationship with AP. Content providers and technology innovators need to come together. Only through a commitment to cooperation and innovation can we increase the pie for all parties.”

“We are pleased with this outcome,” said Gary Pruitt, AP President and CEO. “The litigation is behind us, and we are looking forward to partnering with Meltwater in a positive and constructive relationship going forward. With Meltwater’s expertise and innovative approach to develop new products for new markets and the depth and speed of AP’s global content, we can provide customers both new and existing products focused on their needs.”

With this agreement, the parties have resolved all pending disputes resulting from the AP lawsuit filed against Meltwater in February 2012, claiming copyright infringement, including all appeals.

Quite a change in tone from the original lawsuit, in which AP accused Meltwater of both copyright infringement and the more controversial “hot news misappropriation,” which some have worried goes to far in giving news producers control over how their news gets aggregated. (Some think the opposite, of course.) This settlement means that this case won’t be adding to hot-news case law one way or the other.

Quite a few major news orgs (NYT Co., Gannett, McClatchy, and more) signed on to an amicus brief supporting AP in February.

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