Nieman Foundation at Harvard
There’s another reason the L.A. Times’ AI-generated opinion ratings are bad (this one doesn’t involve the Klan)
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Articles by Andrew Phelps

Andrew Phelps is a former staff writer at Nieman Lab.
“I’m not worried about this technology driving the humanity out of journalism. I’m really excited about the promise of technology bringing more humanity to journalism.” Also: a Michael Barbaro bot.
We’re open-sourcing the code behind Fuego, which mines Twitter to find the links a community is talking about most. Build your own!
OpenStreetMap gets its first major investment with a $575,000 Knight News Challenge grant.
Pop Up Radio Archive graphic
The Knight News Challenge winners want to help radio producers archive and organize their raw tape with simple web-based software.
Spundge logo
It’s like Evernote for TweetDeck for Google Reader for WordPress.
Todd Mundt
His worry for local stations: Without jumping on digital opportunities, someday soon they “will be revealed as rather pedestrian repeaters of national content.”
Josh Miller
“It’s like, ‘All right, well, that guy up there is the big man and the hot shot that shares his opinion. And I’m less down here in the dungeon section trying to duke it out with this raiderfan27.'”
PolitiFact editor Bill Adair in the "Star Chamber"
As Bill Adair’s fact-checking enterprise turns five, PolitiFact is responding to criticism and adding a little structure to how it decides what’s True, Pants on Fire, or somewhere in between.
When your product depends on a (free) third-party platform, the rules can change at any time. Twitter’s are now.