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Articles by Andrew Phelps

Andrew Phelps is a former staff writer at Nieman Lab.
SoundCloud logo
On the web, audio has long been video’s neglected little brother.
Mountain Lion review
Developing ebooks can be a pain, but there is money to be made in repurposing otherwise free content.
The website finally centralizes a loose but vibrant community of news coders.
Twitter preserved
It has turned out to be quite an undertaking, but the Library plans to make good on its promise to America.
Piano Media in Central Europe
It’s the biggest market yet for a company building toward unified paywalls across Europe.
X-ray Gogs
Dan Schultz’s BS-detection software really works, but there are a lot of technology issues — and people issues — getting in the way of a mainstream product.
Cake featuring the likeness of Nick Denton
The Gawker Media emperor, ever dissatisfied with online dialogue, seems to think Kinja is working.
iTunes 4.9 screen shot
Podcasting pioneer Dave Winer asks whether the field needs a reboot.
Screen shot of Apple's Podcasts app for iOS
Podcasts get promoted/demoted on iOS devices, getting their own app but losing the exposure of iTunes.
Felipe Heusser's balloon cam
“A channel guide for the entire Internet,” the site would guide users to breaking news happening around them.