Nieman Foundation at Harvard
There’s another reason the L.A. Times’ AI-generated opinion ratings are bad (this one doesn’t involve the Klan)
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Articles by Christine Schmidt

Christine Schmidt is a staff writer at the Lab after having been its 2017 Google News Lab Fellow. Previous newsrooms include The Dallas Morning News, NBC4 in Los Angeles, the Hartford Courant, and a short stint at Snapchat. She hails from Chicago’s Southside Irish and can only give recommendations for thin crust pizza.
The two companies are now one, and they’ll soon launch a service similar to Outlier’s Detroit project in Milwaukee.
“Do something different and do it together.”
“As we build out that newsroom, how do we prioritize people who have experience serving info needs in communities across disciplines?”
“It’s about cutting through the apathy that a lot of people have about tech because it feels mysterious, letting people know there are decisions and changes you can make to your behavior that will feel empowering to people.”
“The grants will fund an organization’s first dedicated revenue positions, or grow an existing revenue team. Most will fund at least two new full-time positions for 24 months dedicated to revenue and fundraising.”
“The daily newspaper reporter might say, ‘You’re a community journalist, that’s so cute.’ But the fact is we’re professional and have our own organization.”
“People just want to learn a playbook. At the high level, it’s motivational, but at the grassroots level, it’s answering what do your proposals look like, what does your budget look like, how are you talking to donors and members.”