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Articles by Sophie Culpepper

Sophie Culpepper is a staff writer at Nieman Lab covering local news. She previously co-founded the hyperlocal Lexington Observer, where she reported on public schools, local government, economic development, and public safety among other topics as the digital news nonprofit’s only full-time journalist for two years. She is a proud alum of and forever believer in student journalism, and was a managing editor at her independent college newspaper, The Brown Daily Herald.
“A lot of people assume that there is some list somewhere of all the local news outlets in particular places. And that just doesn’t exist.”
The Green Line combines events, explainers, and solutions to appeal to young Torontonians.
The Center for Community News at the University of Vermont is leading “the first nationally coordinated effort to strengthen university-led election coverage.”
“We need to better understand what people mean when they say ‘safety.’”
This year’s report documents “network local news sites” like Patch and Axios Local for the first time.
In response to the volume and quality of applications, Press Forward doubled the funding and number of grantees for this open call.
“We’ve realized that we can’t do it all, and have made the decision to no longer have a staffed newsroom in Wichita.”
The Kansas City Beacon seemed to be a nonprofit news success story. So what’s going wrong in Wichita?