Nieman Foundation at Harvard
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Articles by Sophie Culpepper

Sophie Culpepper is a staff writer at Nieman Lab focused on covering local news. She previously co-founded the hyperlocal Lexington Observer, where she reported on public schools, local government, economic development, and public safety among other topics as the digital news nonprofit’s only full-time journalist for two years. She graduated from Brown University in 2021 and was a managing editor on The Brown Daily Herald’s editorial board.
Lowery took the helm of the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University as its executive editor this month.
“Is it ready for primetime, ready to be released to the masses? Absolutely not…But can it be done? Can you design an AI system that attends a city meeting and generates a story? Yeah, I did it.”
A large group of people in graduation gowns in black and white.
The Tribune set 200 graduating seniors as an “original modest benchmark” for sign-ups and has already surpassed 250.
Readers can opt in to receive morning emails explaining the level and type of extreme weather risk in up to four different places. The newsletter is free for everyone, not just subscribers.
“We have created this podcast as an easy way for any parent, citizen, or interested party to get the highlights, and our take, on what happened last night at School Committee.”
“We ask people every day to let us in at their worst moments. To give nothing of ourselves in return sometimes feels like denying that we’re [also] people in this equation.”
Screenshot of ARLnow AI-generated newsletter
“If you want it to show personality, you really have to push it, at times, to a personality that’s not akin to Michael Scott from ‘The Office.’”