Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Local newsrooms are using AI to listen in on public meetings
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Articles by Sarah Scire

Sarah Scire is the deputy editor of Nieman Lab. Previously, she worked at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, and The New York Times.
“The rhetoric and actions that Trump and his allies take at a national level are being mimicked across the country at a much smaller level. Whether they’re Trump supporters or not, they’re taking cues from the President of the United States.”
Most news publishers stop short of producing content for an individual journalist’s accounts. “Because, as the thinking goes, what happens if that person leaves and takes all their audience with them?”
The Media Power Collaborative compares local news to public goods like safe roads and public education. Will excluding newspaper chains and hedge fund owners make public funding for local news any easier to achieve?
A digital media landscape that shapes news habits similarly across borders may be erasing some country-specific patterns.
“If policy is being crafted that impacts our members, I think it’s important that we are making efforts to help shape it to their benefit. The sausage-making is going to happen whether we choose to be a part of it or not.”
Marisa Kabas has published The Handbasket since 2022. “The jump has been staggering.”
Journalists assume readers are as obsessed with the news as they are. They’re wrong.