Nieman Foundation at Harvard
“Some hard and important lessons”: One of the most promising local news nonprofits looks back — and ahead
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Articles by Shan Wang

Shan Wang is a staff writer at the Lab. She previously worked in editorial at Harvard University Press, and has reported for and the New England Center for Investigative Reporting. One of the first news stories she ever wrote was about Muggle Quidditch for The Harvard Crimson. She grew up in Connecticut and Massachusetts, and is a Ray Allen devotee.
The three sites together are “just south of 1,500 paying customers,” 60 percent of whom are signed up as recurring contributors (of these, the average annual contribution is around $115 or $120). Denverite, which launched its program first, has around 900 members.
Plus: Does all our yammering about fake news make people think real news is fake?
One finding: “Need-to-know material converts (related to how to live your life, understand the world), while nice-to-know (guides, arts, reviews) converts badly but is key for retention.”
Well, maybe not easily, but an NYU team is building a tool to save the entirety of a news app (including underlying libraries and frameworks), as well as a digital repository to hold them for future audiences.
Just for starters, the Globe will have an expanding hub of coverage online, more live events, and a high-priced premium subscription newsletter for industry professionals.
Some third-party cookies were still present, of course. But there was a decrease in third-party content loaded from social media platforms and from content recommendation widgets.
And apparently without incident! “The ultimate goal is a less polarized debate and a less polarized, more open, and plural public…But we also want to raise people’s awareness of the value of joining in on the same conversation, and not splitting into different atoms.”