Nieman Lab.
Predictions for Journalism, 2025.
Each year, we ask some of the smartest people in journalism and media what they think is coming in the next 12 months. At the end of a trying 2024, here’s what they had to say.
“It may be a challenge to find a writer who can channel the viewpoint of the American voters who favored Donald Trump in 2024 while still honoring the principles of responsible journalism.”
Matthew PressmanThe New York Times will hire a pro-Trump columnist
“Journalists can fall into a trap of parroting the language provided by officials, whether that’s law enforcement, the courts, politicians, academics, or subject-matter experts.”
Doris TruongWatch your language
“The next great digital media product will capture all of the best qualities of an old-fashioned newspaper, and more.”
Simon AllisonNews websites hit an evolutionary dead end
“It was never about the size of inventory and the pricing. It isn’t about the transaction. Independent bookstores are about relationships and community.”
Eric Nuzum, Taking lessons from independent bookstores
“We got here through nearly 600 years of editorial choices, in one story after the other, from the birth of the printing press to today.”
Cassie Owens, No more baby steps in fixing crime coverage
“For too long, science journalism has been treated as something distinct, something extra — the domain of specialists writing for audiences who are already deeply interested in and informed about science. This is bad.”
Siri Carpenter, Science journalism becomes plain old journalism
“Audiences are embracing human-curated content delivered through both digital and analog channels.”
Rodney Gibbs, To hell with algorithms
“In a world where GenAI presents itself as the solution, we will return to the social sciences, Humanities, and even old-style journalism.”
Daniel Trielli, Adjusting to a tech-heavy but code-light world