Nieman Foundation at Harvard
A year in, The Guardian’s European edition contributes 15% of the publisher’s pageviews
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Stories on Audience & Social

“Why do people fail to update their beliefs in light of clear evidence to the contrary? Our research provides an answer: partisanship is a powerful factor that can lead people away from accuracy.”
“We find that news users who say their experiences engaging with news online are negative (21%) are nearly four times as likely as those who say they are positive (6%) to not participate at all with news.”
“People do not usually have contrasting views of human and algorithmic selection. If they are skeptical of one, they’re likely to be skeptical of the other.”
Readers can opt in to receive morning emails explaining the level and type of extreme weather risk in up to four different places. The newsletter is free for everyone, not just subscribers.
“Three years ago, I would have said that every platform is super different from the others. Now they’ve all become quite similar.”
“We ask people every day to let us in at their worst moments. To give nothing of ourselves in return sometimes feels like denying that we’re [also] people in this equation.”
“The weight of coverage shouldn’t have to fall on the shoulders of a select few, but rather on the organization as a whole. I am here to make sure of that.”
A number of efforts are underway to document not just the content created on the platform but how Black women used it for communication and community — along with the abuse they received.
Screenshot of ARLnow AI-generated newsletter
“If you want it to show personality, you really have to push it, at times, to a personality that’s not akin to Michael Scott from ‘The Office.’”