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Now on firmer financial ground, the U.K. newspaper seems more aware of its strengths — and of the strengths of the print medium.
“At the time of this writing, it is difficult to avoid the realization that one side of politics — mainly in the U.S. but also elsewhere — appears more threatened by research into misinformation than by the risks to democracy arising from misinformation itself.”
“A greater sense of normalcy may be good for people’s mental health, but not news profits.”
“It falls to both the tech companies that built these systems and an engaged public to create technologies designed for social cohesion.”
“OpenAI’s chatbot seems to favor sources in the language in which the conversation is conducted, and English seems to be the default. In terms of international news, this may mean that non-English-language news outlets are often underrepresented in answers about news stories in their countries.”
“I don’t want to build animosity between my neighbors because of information I can’t confirm.”
“You say you’re giving more dollars to BIPOC newsrooms? Well, you’re actually giving to intermediaries who are filtering down those dollars to BIPOC newsrooms. But they’re not filtering down enough.”
Long before the Panama Papers and other high-profile international projects, a global network of investigative journalists collaborated over snail mail.
The Press Forward coalition, led by the MacArthur Foundation, has pledged to invest $500 million in revitalizing local news over the next five years while working to raise more.
“The reason I have to have undercover voters is because social media sites won’t — and to some extent, can’t — tell you exactly what they’re recommending every single voter.”