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Pivot to video 2.0, Reddit’s rise, and what comes after pageviews: Our notes from ONA 2024
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“I’m really interested in these beautiful, touchable representations of data that use texture to encode information in a way that our screens cannot reproduce.”
In the first 18 months, The Oglethorpe Echo added digital products, won awards, tripled advertising, and doubled subscriptions. An unmitigated success, right? It’s a bit more complicated than that.
“Is it ready for primetime, ready to be released to the masses? Absolutely not…But can it be done? Can you design an AI system that attends a city meeting and generates a story? Yeah, I did it.”
Readers can opt in to receive morning emails explaining the level and type of extreme weather risk in up to four different places. The newsletter is free for everyone, not just subscribers.
“Three years ago, I would have said that every platform is super different from the others. Now they’ve all become quite similar.”
“We ask people every day to let us in at their worst moments. To give nothing of ourselves in return sometimes feels like denying that we’re [also] people in this equation.”
“This is a way to modernize how we do what we do,” Lee said. “It’s more colloquial, it’s more plain-spoken.”
Leila Fadel, Michel Martin, Ayesha Rascoe, and Juana Summers have taken over host chairs at NPR’s flagship news programs.
OptOut aims to be a daily news app “100% free from corporate media narratives.”
“Elon Musk just created a new era of social media: Niche verticals of like-minded people that can charge premium advertising rates and accelerate the interests of their communities.” Eric Holthaus