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What would a truly global media company look like?
“We all grew up with All the President’s Men. You don’t want to take away from the power of that moment and the press holding the administration accountable. But we have to think, why was there not a Black person or a woman on that team?”
A new paper notes that discussions among reporters tend to focus on its “lack of verification” and “truth-bending.” But you can’t evaluate resistance without also looking at what it’s resisting.
“In the face of climate collapse, it’s time for the North to start looking South — and learn from its people and journalists.” Natalia Viana
“Old journalism will be swept away and replaced by newer, younger, more diverse journalism that looks like my students.” Robert Hernandez
“Journalism is a team sport. We rely on each other to help us best reflect a complicated world and to wrestle with the most accurate versions of a variety of perspectives in good faith.” Joy Mayer
“You won’t see many mask-wearers in films this year.” Megan McCarthy
“2022 will be the year of a plural, accessible, inclusive journalism — and in being so, one that is more capable of representing the complexity of Brazil.” Moreno Cruz Osório
“Suddenly, operations isn’t just process — it’s the whole strategy.” Millie Tran
“People use fact-checks to dunk on the other side, to cherry-pick information, and to counter-fact-check other fact-checks.” Jonas Kaiser