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“If we can’t give clear, accurate messages about something as transparent as an infectious disease, what hope do we have for the complexity of climate change?” Kendra Pierre-Louis
“Though not (yet?) very common in the U.S., projects involving both journalists and civil society organizations — usually advocacy groups, though not always — are a fast-growing trend globally.” Sarah Stonbely
“By working alongside local journalists as equal partners — not as assistants or fixers — newsrooms can finally put to rest the practice of ‘parachute journalism’ and build longterm, mutually beneficial relationships.” Wilson Liévano
“If it is, I hope we use the space freed up in our heads to learn some lessons from the craziness we have been through.” Richard Tofel
“Objectivity as an aspirational ideal ends up encouraging journalists to avoid addressing what matters.” Anita Varma
“Populist alt-right and activist left-wing publications will use the tax credit as a cudgel to hammer reporters and editors for being in the pocket of the Biden administration.” David Skok
“As the audience for on-demand content surges, and as technologies and new markets better enable its production, we have a radical opportunity to democratize media.” Kerri Hoffman
Plus: What the shift to social media means for local news, how journalists imagine their professional autonomy, and how right-wing protests may be legitimated by coverage.
How broadcasters challenge false or misleading information while maintaining high standards of impartiality has become increasingly challenging.
From AdAge to the Wyoming Tribune Eagle.