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Samantha Melbourneweaver on the biggest mistake news organizations make with younger readers, the audience team’s growing role within the newsroom, and “getting weird” online.
HS is the only subscription national newspaper in Finland. Here’s how it gets readers to subscribe.
“NFTs are the newest form of digital content. Structurally, that fits with Dirt’s scope.”
“I just really wanted to be independent of the chains, quite frankly.”
Knowledge of research methods can help the public discern valid scientific claims from false or misleading ones, researchers explain.
“Some participants even developed false memories about the fake stories they had read…’Remembering’ previously hearing a fake COVID-19 story seemed to make some people in our study more likely to act in a certain way.”
There was an increase in foundation support and individual giving for nearly two-thirds of nonprofit news outlets, but a decrease in earned revenue for about half.