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It’s like kryptonite for responsible news organizations: the stronger their piety to journalistic ethics and the ideal of objectivity, the more vulnerable they are to accusations made in bad faith.
Learning to ignore information is not something taught in school.
Plus: How community-centered collaborative journalism really works in a pandemic, the impact of Sinclair on national political views, and the everyday tactics that shape whether young people trust news.
The nonprofit news site focused on criminal justice reform has a vision for “an America where stability and dignity are within everyone’s reach.” Some of its employees say you wouldn’t know that from its management.
Here’s what Modi can do if he really wants to change India’s image of being a “dangerous place for journalists.”
What does it mean for other news organizations hoping to attract institutional support?
“What I want is for them is to be absolutely confident. That’s what I want. Confidence in their skills and to feel confident that they will be valued both for their lived experience, and for their expertise as professionals.”
Social platforms know transparency matters when it comes to political advertising, but they’re also able to control the terms of that transparency.
Plus: The Emancipator pays homage to abolitionist newspapers, student paper diversity reports, and a future for local news.
“Food Only” turned out to be impossible.